
Computer science Computer science A hypertext narrative by antoine pednault Created with The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker Next Word count: 1061 Choice count: 29 Section count: 21 Image count: 21 Error count: 14 Field Related Analysis: Education : 14 matches (School, choice, class, college, colleges, don, failed, games, high school, learned, options, research, school, social) Computer Science : 11 matches (child, choice, Class, Computer science, computer, hacker, network, path, Pick, Programming, video) Sociology : 9 matches (class, depression, School, difference, interview, school, social science, World, wants) Target Structure: retirement (1 match) Next Computer science My College choice. I finished high school, I need to choose whether I want to go to find a full-time job to make more money or go study to Montmorency College. Choice 1 : My C...

Career summary

Computer engineer | Virtual Writing Tutor Computer engineer Introduction If you ever think of becoming a Computer engineer, this article could come in handy. It will show you what it takes to do this job and how its like. People that are thinking of becoming a Computer engineer or are simply interested should read this article. I am extremely motivated to write this article because I love talking about this topic and even more to share it with...

Computer science listicle

Computer science listicle If you are interested or is already in computer science, my listicle here could maybe help you. It will show you very useful websites for people who are in the program and that might be useful for you soon. My listicle will show you 3 websites that people in computer science are currently using or have used in the past, so I suggest that you read it. 1. Download different windows versions // In computer science, you will need to download different Windows versions for example, Windows 10 and Windows 8. On an external hard drive or in a virtual machine. In case, you wonder what is a virtual machine, a virtual machine is a computer file, typically called an image, that behaves like an actual computer. In other words, creating a computer within a computer. It runs in a window, much like any other program, giving the end user the sam...

Screen cast Here are good tips if you don't want to do misktakes in your texts

Glossary about Technology

Technology In this glossary, I'm gonna explain a lot of words that can help you understand more about computer science algorithm noun A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer Example: I am learning algorithms fr: algorithme Your browser does not support the audio element. Coding Verb the process of assigning a code to something for the purposes of classification or identification. Example: I am learning how to code fr: Codage Your browser does not support the audio element. Monitor noun an instrument or device used for observing, checking, or keeping a continuous record of a process or quantity. Example: I am reparing my monitor that broke fr: Moniteur Your browse...
 Hi, my name is Antoine Pednault, I’m 18 years old and I live in Laval (Québec). I am currently in the Springboard to a DCS program at Collège Montmorency which I’m going to talk a lot of why I am in this program a what it does. I am also going to talk about crazy stories of what led me to join my program and tell you advices, so you don't have to do the same mistakes I did throughout my scholarship. A lot of interesting things will happen in my blog so stay tuned !